
Welcome to MOBA Proud, your home for news and articles related to MOBA Soccer Academy and Peachtree City MOBA of the Premier Development League and the Women’s Premier Soccer League. The PDL is the highest level of amateur soccer in North America and is composed of over 70 clubs across the United States and Canada. The WPSL is the premier women’s amateur soccer league in North America, with over 100 clubs across the United States and Canada.

All posts on MOBA Proud are written by fans, for fans! Whether it be posts related to the team or the academy, from match recaps to academy buzz to league updates, it can all be found right here.

Be sure to follow MOBA Proud on social media:

Twitter: @MOBAProud
Facebook: MOBA Proud (@MOBAProud)
Instagram: @MOBAProud

Be sure to follow MOBA Soccer Academy on social media:

Twitter: @MOBASAcademy
Facebook: MOBA Soccer Academy (@MOBASoccer)
Instagram: @MOBASoccer

Be sure to follow the PDL on social media:

Twitter: @USLPDL
Facebook: USL PDL (@USLPDL)
Instagram: @USLPDL
Google Plus: +USLPDL 
Online: USLPDL.com

Be sure to follow the WPSL on social media:

Twitter: @WPSL
Facebook: WPSL (@WPSLMedia)
Online: WPSLSoccer.com

We are dedicated to developing the best fan base in the PDL right here in Peachtree City, and the future looks bright for the club and academy. We encourage you to come out to the matches in the summer, and always stay #MOBAProud!

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