Around the World and Back: The Story of Omar Jarun

Peachtree City has never been a place to get much national recognition. Every once in awhile, a story about "The Town Where Golf Carts Dominate Traffic" will appear, but other than that a large amount of the population are unaware of the city's existence. That is not to say the town has nothing to tie its name to aside from recreational transportation, however. Rutledge Wood, Kelley O'Hara, Dwight Smith Jr., and Sam Martin have all called the city home. There is one name, though, that a number of people outside the soccer community do not know. That name is Omar Jarun, and this is his story. Born in Kuwait City, Kuwait on December 10th, 1983 to an American mother and Jordanian father with Palestinian heritage, Jarun began his life in a very dangerous part of the world. With tensions brewing in the Middle East, things soon erupted into violence in 1990 with the First Gulf War. When bombs and missiles went off near the apartment in which he lived, Jarun and his f...